I think Cigerxwin has answered this question better than anybody else, so I will just leave you alone with his great poem called "Kime Ez" or "Who Am I", the only thing you need to do is to replace "I" with "We":
WHO AM I?Who am I, you ask ?The Kurd of Kurdistan,a lively volcano,fire and dynamitein the face of enemy.When furious,I shake the mountains,the sparks of my angerare death to my foes.Who am I ?I am in the east,forts and castlestowns and hamlets,rouks and boulders,What irony, what a shameful day !A slave I am now for blood suckersYet I saved the Middle Eastfrom the Romans and the crusaders.Who am I ?Ask the Near East,Ask the Middle East,villages and towns,plains and deserts.They were once all minewhen by war and knowledgeI defeated rivalsto become crowned over an empirestretching to the borders of India.Who am I ?I am the proud Kurd,the enemies' enemy,the friend of peace-loving ones.I am of noble race,not wild as they claim.My mighty ancestorswere free people.Like them I want to be freeand that is why I fightfor the enemy won't leave in peaceand I don't want to be forever oppressed.Who am I ?I shall free my landfrom the tyrants;from the crrupt Shah and Mollas,from the Turkish juntasso we may live freelike other nations,so my gardens and meadowsare mine again;So I can join the strugglefor the good of mankind.Who am I ?It was I who defeatedRichard the LionheartMy own blood I shedto defend these regions.A thorn I was in my enemies' side;in my shadow lived the Arabs, Turks and Persian;many a king held my horse's head.Yes I am the warrior,I am Saladin,the King of Egypt, Syria and Israel.Who am I ?I am Ardashir,I am Noshi Rawan.In the acient daysrivals feared my caesarsregretted my animosity.I knew no fright;in love with adventure;from India to Greecethey paid me tribute.Who am I ?Yes, I am the Kurd,the Kurd of Kurdistanwho is poor and oppressed today.My castles and fortsare now demolished;my name and my fame'swindled by my assailants,those who set germs into my bodyto paralize my existencemaking a nameless soul of me;a nation with no friends.Who am I?I am the one who despite it allremains the unyielding Kurd;still formidable to the enemy.The smell of dynamite is again in my nostrilsand in my heart the strong desire to erupt.I am the fighting valiant of mountainswho is not in love with deathbut for the sake of life and freedomhe sacrifices himselfso that the land of his ancestors,the invincible Medes;his beloved Kurdistan , may become unchained.Who am I?One of my ancestors was the Blacksmith Kawawho slayed Dahak, the notorious tyrantto break off chains from Kurdish shouldersand save many heads from the sword and death.The day his vicious reign endedwas called NEWROZ, the New Day.When Newroz comes winter departstaking with it the dark harsh timesto make place for light and warmth.This is the time, as Zoroaster says,the evil spirit Ahriman is defeatedat the hand of Ormazd, the god of wisdom and light.Who am I?I am the maker of Newroz;again I shall become my own master,the ruler of my landso I may enjoy the fruits of my orchards,relish the sacred wines of my vineyardsand put an end to a dark eraby seeking salvation in knowledge and science;I shall make another new dayand breathe the pure air of the liberty.Who am I?I am Kordokh, the good old Khaldew;I am Mitan; Nayri and Sobar;the son of Lo Lo; Kardok and Kodi;I am the Mede, the Gosh, Hori and Gudi;I am the Kurmanc, Kelhor; Lor and Gor;yes, I have always been and remain the Kurd.Despite centuries of suppressionin a country by force divided.Who am I?I am the son of Lor, Kelhor and Kurmancwho have lost crown and reignto become powerless,betrayed in the name of religionto carry rosaries in their handsduped by the rulers,deprived of might and wealth,fighting each other, divided and tornwhile my oppressed Kurdistan,my wretched Kurdistanremains prossessed.Who am I?The son of the Kurdish nationawaken from deep sleep,marching forward,proud as a lionwanting the whole world to know;I shall struggle and continue the path to freedom;I shall learn from great men,Like Marx and Lenin.I make a vow to my ancestors,to Salar, Shergo and Deysem,that this of mine will remain vigorous, unyielding, stronger than death.Let it be kown;I announce with no fear;Liberty is my goal;I shall advance in this path.Who am I ?I am not blood thirsty;no, I adore peace.Noble were my ancestors;sincere are my leaders,We don't ask for war but demand equalitybut our enemies are the ones who betray and lie.Friendship I seek and offer my handsto all friendly nations.Long live Kurdistan;death to the oppressor!!!
And here is the original Kurdish version of the poem which was made into a song by beloved Sivan Perwer, here is the link to the song:
Kîme ez?I hope it is clear enough now who we are!
Kurdê Kurdistan
Tev şoreş û volqan
Tev dînamêtim
Agir û pêtim.
Sorim wek etûn,
Agir giha qepsûn.
Gava biteqim
Dinya dihejî.
Ev pêt û agir
Dijmin dikujî.
Kîme ez?
Ez im rojhilat,
Tev birc û kelat.
Tev bajar û gund,
Tev zinar û lat.
Ji destê dijmin:
Dijminê xwînxwar,
Xurt û koledar.
Ji Rom, ji Fireng,
Di rojên pir teng,
Bi kuştin û ceng.
Parast, parast
Parast min ev rojhilat
Kîme ez?
Rojhilatê nêzîk,
Rojhilatê navî,
Ev bajar û gund,
Ev bej û avî,
Ket bin destê min,
Pî da ser dijmin,
Min bi ceng û şer
Zanîn û huner
Pişta wî şikand,
Serî lê gerand!
Ez bûm padîşah,
Xurt û serbilind
Ketin destê min ta sînorê Hind.
Kîme ez?
Kîme ez?
Kurdê serfiraz
Dijminê dijmin
Dostê aştîxwaz.
Ez xweş mirovim,
Ne hirç û hovim!
Lê çibkim bê şer
Dijmin naçî der.
Bav û kalê min
Dijîn tev serbest,
Naxwazim bijîm
Ta ebed bindest.
Kîme ez?
Divê ez derkevim
Dijminê xwînxwar,
şahê efyûnkêş,
Jontirkê dijwar,
Serbest bijîm ez
Wek hevçaxê xwe.
Dilxweş bixum ez,
Rez û baxê xwe.
Çekan hilgirim derkevim meydan,
Rêcek nû çêkim ji boyî insan.
Kîme ez?
Ez im ê şikand leskerê Rêşar,
Min bi xwîna xwe parastî ev war.
Di sînga dijmin ez bûme kelem,
Xwe dan siya min Turk û Ecem.
Li ser serê min
Sinbil û kulah,
Serê hespê min
Digirt padîşah!
Ez im ew gernas,
Ew Selahidîn
Bi pirs ji dimyat,
Bi pirs ji Hetîn,
Kîme ez?
Ez im Erdeşîr,
Ew Noşîrewan,
Kesrayê mezin.
Bê tac û eywan,
Dostê kevnare
Ku bûne dijmin,
Ser di tewandin,
Ber agirê min.
Ez im ew qelaş xurt û pehlewan,
Xerac min distand ji Hind û Yewnan!
Kîme ez?
Ez im ew gernas, ez im ew mêrxas,
Belê ez im Kurd
Îro ez mame
Bindest û zigurd!
Ew tac û eywan
Tev çûn û rizîn,
Dijmin nav û deng
Tev ji min dizîn!..
Xistin laşê min mîkrobên teres,
Ta bûm perîşan, bê nav û nekes.
Kîme ez?
Ez im ew Kurdê serhişk û hesin,
Îro jî dijmin ji min ditirsin!...
Bîna barûdê
Kete pozê min.
Dixwazim hawîr,
Biteqim ji bin,
Dîsa wek mêra,
Bikevin çiya.
Naxwazim bimrim,
Dixwazim bigrim.
Kurdistana xwe
Axa Mîdîya,
Kîme ez?
Kawey hesinkar bav û kalê min,
Perçiqand serê zehakê dijmin.
Ji gerdena Kurd
Wî şikand zencîr,
Serê me parast,
Ji birîn û şûr!
Roja hat kuştin xwînmijê dilsoz,
Goya dibêjin:-Ew roje nûroz...
Zivistan diçî,
Ew rojên ne xweş
Parêz dibî Kurd,
Ji dêwê zergeş.
Wesan dibêjî Zerdeştê rêzan,
Ehreman dişkê Hirmiz tê meydan!
Kîme ez?
Ez im ê çêkir ev cejn û nûroz,
Divê bistênim,
Wilo nemênim,
Bigrim tol û doz
Fermandar bim ez,
Li ser Kurdistan,
Bo min bimênin
Ev bax û bustan.
Ev şax û ev dest,
Rez û şînahî
Bigrim destê xwe,
Dilxweş û şahî.
Zana û xwenda,
Dezgevanên xurt
Vî warî bigrin,
Bikin ronahî,
Kîme ez?
Ez im ew Kardox Xaldêwê kevnar,
Ez im ew Mîtan, Nayrî û Sobar.
Ez im ew Lolo,
Kardox û Kudî,
Ez im Mad û Goş,
Horî û Gudî.
Ez im Kurmanc û Kelhor, Lor û Gor,
Ez im, ez Kurd im li jêr û li jor.
Çend hezar salin
Kurdistana min
Perçe perçe ma
Bindestê dijmin!
Kîme ez?
Îro ji Lor û Kelhor û Kurmanc
Ji dest xwe berdan ew text û ew tac,
Bûne olperest,
Bi tizbî û xişt.
Ta dijmin şikand
Li me ser û pişt.
Me dan bin lingan dewlet û hebûn,
Bûn dijminê hev perçe perçe bûn.
Ta ku Kurdistan,
Ta ku Kurdistan
Jar û perîşan
Ket e bin destan!
Kîme ez?
Ez im ew milet, ez im ejderha,
Ji xewa dîlî şiyar bûm niha.
Dixwazim wek mêr
Dixwazim wek şêr
Serê xwe hildim,
Çi ser bilindim.
Bi cîhan carek
Ez bidim zanîn,
Kurê Guhderz û Ferhad û Rustem,
Kurê Salar û şêrgoh û Deysem.
Bejin bilindim,
Wek dêw bilindim.
Ez dest dirêjim,
Serbest dibêjim.
Dixwazim bi lez
Gavan bavêjim!..
Kîme ez?
Ne xwînxwar im ez haştî xwaz im ez,
Serdarê meye gernas û nebez.
Em şer naxwazin,
Divên wekhevî,
Em paş ve naçin,
Dijmin direvî!..
Ji bo mirovan em tev dost û yar
Bijî Kurdistan, bimrî koledar!
Kîme ez?