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What is happening in Western Turkey?

After a long time, I think it is time for starting again. Sorry for the long time that I was absent, I had a lot of things that needed urgent care, that is why I could not post, but now I am settled once again I can start writing regularly again.

For the people who is reading this blog, I am sure that you are following what is going on in Turkey and Kurdistan. As recent as two days ago PKK attacked Belezê garrison and killed 15 soldiers, there are a lot of wounded soldiers too, and 9 PKK guerillas died in this clash as well. You already know that there have been and there are many cases of lynchings against the Kurds, in the Western parts of Turkey where a big population of the Kurds live. Most of the Kurds who live in those cities, excluding the Kurds of Anatolia that mainly live in Konya-Ankara region who have been living there for over centuries now, were the people whose villages were burnt down and were forced to leave their homes, villages, properties, loved ones behind and start a new and very hard life in these prejudiced and almost fascist cities of the Western Turkey.

I personally think that the true nature of the Turkish fascism/racism is coming out with these lynchings of the Kurds that by now have become almost normal and accepted events/incidents in the Western cities of Turkey.

I have translated an article that was written by Rasim Ozan Kutahyali and published by Taraf daily newspaper. Here is the link to the Turkish version of it. I dont feel like adding anything; this person I think draws a very through picture of what is happening in Turkey. I wil try to translate the following article asap and publish it here as well. Here goes the article:

"Are We Going Towards a Civil War?
The Ayvalik/Altinova incident is very important…

You might have read from the newspapers, A Turkish youngster parks his car in front of a Kurdish Shopkeeper, listening to the national anthem/songs… After this the Kurdish shopkeeper drives his car through this youngster and his family’s place at full speed… Two brothers are lying in blood on the ground and die… The rest is obvious…

A complete indignation… According to the eyewitnesses tens of thousands of people gather together… “Altinova is ours, and will remain ours”, “We don’t want the Kurds here”, “Kurds out, out!” are the cheers that they scream while attacking at the workplaces and houses of the Kurds… Attempts to burn down the houses and cars that belong to the Kurds… Turkish flags everywhere and a complete amuck state… The Kurds leave the town for a time… With the timely intervention of the security forces the de facto confrontation is prevented… the rage is still in the air…

Ethnic tautness is not an exception.

I don’t think that the terrifying situation above, the societal psychology is an exception… This is not an exceptional incident that is caused by provocation… At this point in this country there are certain places where situation is very suitable for an ethnic provocation…

Lets first all accept this fact… The Kurdish Problems is going beyond being a political problem, and unfortunately it is becoming a societal problem…

This problem existed only as a problem between the government and the Kurdish people… Turkish government mentality always denied the existence of the Kurds along with very strict security measures… Every Kurd was a potential criminal in the eyes of the government…

This immoral policy brought the Kurds closer to the PKK… As the DTP politicians say PKK did not create this problem, but PKK is a result of this problem…

But this confrontation between the government and the Kurds did not have an equal correspondence in the society… There was not a serious problem between the Turks and the Kurds… There was not a relationship of hundreds of years f distrust between them… With the saying that is used so often, they had given daughters (in-law) to each other for centuries… Both peoples had a common cultural ground and a common spiritual language…

As a result of the forced immigration that was implemented upon the Kurds by the government, many Kurdish families settled in the rich South and West parts of the country… They started a life struggle there… While there were clashes in the eastern part of the country, there was not a problem between the Kurdish people who migrated to west and south and the Turkish people living in these places… One could expect exclusionist acts from the powerful Turkish people while the government is fighting the Kurds… It did not happen, because the Kurdo-phobia that existed in the government, did not exist among the Turkish people in essence… the Turks did not have such a mental inheritance from their families…

As the years passed by this started to change… the struggle to gain from the economic pie turned into an ethnic translation over time… If there was a commercial disagreement between two Turks the problem became personal, but the commercial disagreements between the Turk and the Kurd surpassed the personalization, and was described on the basis of ethnicity…

With the secularization ethnic hatred increases.

On the other hand, in places where the lifestyle and worldview was more secular the probability of an ethnic tautness emerged as clear-cut facts… As I have mentioned before there was a spiritual ground that the Turks and the Kurds share… There is a common tie that is created on the basis of Islam… This makes it possible to have coalescence/togetherness above ethnicities, soften the disagreements…

In the sociological process of secularization these symbols and values are eroded away… If the secularized society cannot create a common moral ground around citizenship, it ignites the conflicting politicization of the ethnic identities, we should know this well…

We have lived this in Turkey and are living it now… Anybody who knows a little bit of sociology understands what a baloney is Islamification words/concerns… This country is becoming a more modern, and correspondingly more secular country… Modernization, unfortunately, on contrary to what many liberal and leftist intellectuals believe is not a one-sided solely positive process… It brings a lot of problems with itself… It provides a society with a chance of changing its cover completely, and transformation of its world-view… If a secular “civic” ground in this process does not replace the eroded traditional values, it can create a fascistic conflict environment…

Turkey is not longer old Turkey… “Turk-Kurd are brothers” sentences do not make any sense for the new and secularized generations of the Turks and Kurds… On top of this dangerous ground, the government is making things worse by agitating the society…

I will continue with this subject tomorrow, too."


I don’t know if you have heard of Altan Tan before, but he is a Kurd that has worked for Refah Partisi, and Hadep at one point, and now seems to be close to the AKP government. He is a mild Kurdish-rights defender and moderate Muslim. And he writes for Zaman daily, which is a newspaper that is owned by Fethullah Gulen like many other media outlets in Turkety. As you all probably know, Fethullah Gulen just recently was acquitted from a US court and now can even become citizen. That is not the extraordinary part about this man, who says that he is only a Muslim and nothing more, but in reality has a huge group of followers, and hundreds of schools all around the world, TV channels, Newspapers and many more things.

The most important of all these is, without a doubt, the schools that he has founded in all around the world including South Kurdistan. And let me say that they have got the permission to build a university, too, in only Kurdistan part that is supposedly being governed by the Kurds. It is interesting enough to note that, in those schools that stretch from Japan, Russia, almost all Turkic countries in Asia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Africa, some European countries and even USA, all of the pupils learn not only English but also Turkish, they learn Turkish National Anthem, they all learn about Ataturl and how great he was, they all learn that Turkey is the best country in the world and that Turkish language is the most beautiful one, shortly and with a little bit of Islam of course.

Now mind you, he says that his schools are not nationalistic but rather Islamic. But there is a huge controversy, if his schools are not nationalist, or I will even go further as to call it Fascist, why would the poor African children have to learn about the Turkish flag, Ataturk who executed all religious figures and almost banned religion and created a fascist state of Turkey, and Turkish national anthem. WHY? Why does he, or his servants don’t only teach the kids about Islam and other things but mostly about Turks and Turkishism?

One more little thing and I will move on to my topic; Did you know that they hold “International Turkish Olimpycs” every year, and last year they held the 6th one with the participation of 110 countries from all around the globe, and highest ranking government officials such as ministers and bureaucrats etc. This is a new movement of Turkish Imperialism as my National Security once said. But he is saying it is all because of Islam, right?He, and all of his followers do, support Palestine against Israel, and how ruthless Israel is etc, but I have never ever heard one single word from him about the Kurdish Question or Kurdish people, not even once.

A side note; Arabic is the second official language of Israel, and there are Arab Representatives in the Knesset. That is not to say there are not bad things happening to Arabs due to Israel-Palestinian conflict as those bad things happen to the Israelis(Jews), too. But lets compare the Kurdish Problem to the Palestinian one, and keep in mind that this guy is from Turkey and not Israel or Palestine, and he is from a place that is majority of the city is Kurdish, Erzurum.

Well, enough of that, lets get back to Altan Tan, in his last two articles at Zaman, he is telling us how the Kurdish Problem could be solved. For the full articles in English go to here, and here. I will just quote some parts of his articles. Here is a piece from his first article;

There are two reasons why a Kurdish state was not created in the Middle East in the 20th century:

1- The Western imperialists did not see an independent Kurdish state as compatible with their interests. There are several reasons for this.

2- The Kurds did not want to part ways with the Turks, with whom they have lived together for centuries.

The vast majority of Kurds still object to the idea of a nation-state and a separate Kurdish state from Turkey. These objections may be divided into two parts:

1- The idea of a nation-state and the nation-state model was fashionable in the 19th century. The nation-state became outdated in the 21st century. A wave of globalization has swept through the world. Information and culture recognize no boundaries, and the movement of goods cannot be prevented.


Instead of nation-states, regional unions and political and economic organizations like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union gain importance. In the current form of the world, it is commonly held that a delayed Kurdish nationalism would bring harm to Kurds rather than benefits. The Kurds desire to remain within a political organization consistent with the new global tendencies rather than trying a non-functional and outdated model.

Before going to the second part I want to object some of the things he says in this first part of why the Kurds will object to the idea of a nation-state.

First of all, lets be honest, we don’t know if the Kurds want a nation-state or not, but one thing that we all know for sure is that; the Kurds do not want to live under this ruthless, inhumane, fascist regime of Turkey, or for that same reason in Syria, and Iran, too. The only way we could really learn what the Kurds really want is that if we hold a referendum, but a referendum that Kurdish people will be able to cast their true feelings and ideas; not under threat of the soldiers’ pistols pocking them from behind while casting their votes as has been the case as recent as the last elections in a lot of villages of Kurdistan. Either Cahsh village-guards, or the soldiers are the one to do this duty. So, we can’t know! One other thing that I know is, if there was such a referendum being held right now all of my parents, relatives and almost all of the Kurds that I know would vote for independence, so I don’t quite understand where he infers this conclusion from. Besides without a nation-state, or at least a federation that will give Kurds full rights, it is very hard if not impossible, to make Kurdish language that is most important thing that Kurds so far were fortunate enough to protect (even if auto-assimilation has sped up and we are losing it day-by-day now), pass it to future generations.

Of course, this is applicable to the other parts of our culture. How are we going to preserve Kurdish language and culture without a systemized structure? How? Thus, this saying that nation-state is not fashionable enough now is not very valid to me. Lets see what else he says;

2- The nation-state model does not fit the Middle East. The nation-state brought irresolution rather than solution to Middle Eastern communities because of the following reasons:

e. Marriages take place between those who share the same religion and sect without considering the lingual and racial difference. Integration between families is almost intact. It is estimated that the number of marriages between Turks and Kurds is over 1 million in Turkey alone.

We could agree with him on the fact that, nation-state did bring a lot of irresolution or rather disasters to the Middle East. But that itself is not strong enough argument to say for this reason Kurds don’t want their homeland; Kurdistan. It was only the Kurds happen to be a little behind in comparison to other peoples, but now they are aware of it, and at best chance they will declare their independence, too, just like any other honorable people.

Marriages between Turks and Kurds, I guess there is such a fact, even if I don’t think that the number is as he says 1 million. Those marriages are left in the past, now the Kurds almost cannot get married with Turks because the Turkish side of the family the threatens their daughter or son with disowning them if they marry a Kurd, let alone other things. Turks, not all, but in general now hate Kurds. They don’t even become friends with them anymore let alone marrying them.

f. There have been almost no ethnic wars between communities in the Middle East. The most important wars in the history were fought between Turks. These are the wars fought between Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror and the Akkoyunlu ruler Uzun Hasan, Yıldırım Bayezit and Uzbek Timurlane, Sultan Selim I and Safavid Shah Ismail. All these rulers were Turks. In addition, with the exception of Shah Ismail, all others were Sunni as well. The reason of the wars was the pursuit of power and influence.

So, then what is the name of the lynching campaign against the Kurds in all Turkish cities, especially in Sakarya, Ankara, Konya, Adana etc? That is not an ethnic conflict? Well then what is it?

In his second article, he tells us why an ethnic-federation would not work in Turkey. Lets listen to him:

The idea of an ethnic federation is not an ideal response to contemporary needs, just as the idea of recognizing a separate state or government model for every sect and language would not be appropriate.

Moreover, an ethnic federation would not fit into Turkey's conditions for a number of reasons.

About 60 percent of the Kurds living in Turkey live in western Turkey, in cities like İstanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Mersin and Bursa. In Syria, Iraq and Iran, on the other hand, Kurds mostly settled in their own geographies and were not so dispersed throughout other parts of the country.

Now, this is not completely true. Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus and other cities have substantial Kurdish populations, along with other cities in all these countries. And one thing not to miss is this; in Iran or Syria the Kurds were not forced to leave their homes, as it is the case in Turkey (3 million people homeless, 4 thousand villages destroyed, all of the forests of Kurdistan burnt down, all of its water resources utilized etc). But lets assume for a second what he is saying is correct.

Economic integration is at an advanced level. Kurds have secured substantial economic resources in almost every part of Turkey and made huge amounts of investments. In economic terms, there are countless partnerships between Turks and Kurds. Their interests are interrelated. On the other hand, while there are problems with regard to political and cultural rights, the Kurds enjoy equal status as citizens. A substantial number of Syria's Kurds, however, are not even citizens yet.

So the Kurds have secured all of the economic resources in the shoe-shining, begging, car-parking sectors. That is what he talking about, I think, because I cannot think of any other sector that has Kurds, and by Kurds I mean real Kurds not the fake ones who have become Turks. If it was not for the Kurds, there would not be one person who would work in construction business without any benefits or whatsoever. So it is true that there are countless partnerships between Kurds and Turks, otherwise the Turks would not be able to find any servants for them. It is true that the Kurds enjoy equal status with Turks, as long as they deny their roots and say that they are Turks. True, a lot of Kurds in Syria do not have citizenship, but they live with their honor, living and passing down their culture to the younger generations proudly. And the Kurds in Syria can always proudly say they are Kurdish, and almost never hide their identity. You compare it!

I don’t want to make this already long post longer. The author does say that 3 thousand villages were ‘evacuated’ and that Turkey should help and recognize a free Kurdistan in Iraq, too. But, I think he is too much under the influence of the Turkist Fethullah Gulen, as he is writing in his newspaper, right?

Should AKP be closed down?

Well, honestly I would have said no if this question was asked to me a month ago. But now, I say with all my heart and mind "YES, it should be closed down", point.

There is a great article in Taraf about why it should be closed down. It is in Turkish unfortunately. But I agree with that article completely, and will probably say similar things to that article in this post, so dont worry if you dont know Turkish.

Here are some reasons why AKP should be closed down:

-First and foremost it should be closed down so that the leaders of that party can, or maybe, understand finally that their freedom can only be granted through other people's freedoms. That is to say, if you want some freedom to yourself (headscarf), you should want it for others as well (Kurds). Because without everybody's rights granted there is no way that your freedoms will be!

-So AKP has thought that if they collaborate with the army, they might be able to get done some of their objectives, the headscarf issue again, but now it is clear that the army is not willing to, nor will share any of its powers with anybody, but especially not with AKP who they deem as the representatives of radical islamist movement. On the contrary, the army is using all means, as was revealed in " the information support activity action plan", such as judges, universities, influential people, artists, writers, film-makers, media, all of the means that are possible to use to close down AKP. So this should be, hopefully, clear to AKP members now. Even though I have a lot of doubts, I do hope so.

-There is a saying in Turkish which means "to be Muslim to yourself" meaning that they want things only for themselves. If they ever uttered a word about DTP's closure, they would have been in a better position now. But they did not pronounce a word about it, and now they are complaining about it. Saying we are chosen by the will of our people, as if DTP was not chosen by the will of the people but rather some other countrymen. 

-They should, now, know better that if they dont defend others rights when it is necessary, those others will not defend their rights either, when they need it. 

-It should have been completely understood that until "the constitution" that was written by the fascist generals after the coup of 1980 is not changed completely, and a new one written, there is no way that Turkey could become a truly democratic country under the shadow of the generals all the time. Omnipotent generals, I shall say to be more precise. The first three articles of "that" constitution cannot be changed and cannot be even suggested to change, again, according to "that" constitution. What are those three articles? That Turkey is only and only TURKISH, that no language other than TURKISH could be spoken, written or listened, that everyone in Turkey is TURKISH and some other bullshit like these ones. Imagine this: Even the holy books of religions, which are supposedly God's words are being changed to cope with today's needs, but NOOOOO the holy book of the generals is holier than those religious books. That is what I understand when I hear, "these articles cannot be changed and cannot be even suggested to change". Oh and of course that Ataturk was/is/will always be the greatest GOD of all times!

-This is a fight. And in a fight one side always has to lose to the other side. If the swords are taken out of their sheaths, they shall be used. It seems like AKP has a big chance of winning, if they dont act like chickens, as they have done so so far.

-It is good that they are trying to close down AKP, because now they feel the sword in their asses, they either come to their senses and use the sword in their hands to take the one in their asses, or that sword in their asses shall make a big and unrepairable hole in their asses, that will always be seen.

These are some of the things that come to my mind when I think about it. I am sure there are some more things that we can find to say that, it is a good thing that AKP will, hopefully, be closed down. This might bring the promises of Recep Tayyip Erdogan to his useless mind, and that without keeping those promises he will never be an effective man, that will be respected by everyone even if he gets 99 % percent of the votes, and not only 47 %.

I am hopeful that it will be closed down, and that might affect the future of the prospective Chief of General Staff; who that will be and how it will change the dynamics of the country.

That is it for now, I shall elaborate more on this when the time comes.


Recently, there have been some incredibly important news about the Turkish General Staff, or the army, and its role in Turkey, and its dirty plans. Mostly revealed by Taraf daily newspaper. I would like to say that Taraf with all its workers is doing a great job. A very dangerous job, but a righteous job that all other filthy newspapers should, but do not do and rather open their arms, pockets and everything else to those power-hungry, blood-thirsty generals of Turkish Army.

Anyway, I will not talk about the news papers and who controls most of them and what kind of fascist he is that his most-sold newspaper Hurriyet's motto is this : "Turkey belongs to the Turks" with Ataturk's picture on a Turkish flag! they are right, though. Turkey does belong to Turks, and Kurdistan to the Kurds, Armenia to the Armenians, Greece to the Greeks etc. Only if they showed some of the respect that they are asking and getting from us and others!

Yesterday's Taraf had another great, sensational news about the Turkish Army and its dirty plans. Apparently, they knew that the Daglica Raid was going to happen, but they did not do anything to prevent it. Why? Well, why not? Because this way they could get their long-desired permission to enter Southern Kurdistan. This way they could say that the PKK is bad and lets all get together against them. This way they could kill some more innocent, ignorant (and stupid at the same time), soldiers, because they are worthless in the generals eyes', as we all know it very well. It is so sad that after all these news, how Turkish people is turning a blind eye to all these dirty war tactics, how they are not objecting to their children's deaths that is being done by the bloody hands of generals.

I took the time to translate the new news about Daglica Raid from Taraf. The puzzle now is crystal clear; especially after "the information support activity action plan" was revealed in Taraf and now with this piece of news. Below is the full translation of the News from Taraf (in Turkish) that was published on Wednesday June 25, 2008, but was ignored by almost all other newspapers and TV channels. One wonders why?


It is revealed that the Gendarmerie Intelligence knew that the Daglica attack, in which 13 soldiers were killed, was going to happen 9 days before it happened and sent a secret report to the General Staff and other related units. In this “urgent’ sealed gendarmerie intelligence report, which Taraf has it now, how attack is going to be conducted, and when is written in details.

The information about Daglica attack, in which 13 soldiers were killed and 8 were tried for ‘treason’, was sent to all responsible and authorized units 9 days before actual attack: including Hakkari Mountain Brigade, and General Staff Presidency. In these documents Taraf obtained, which was dated October 12, 2007, and “urgent” sealed intelligence report by Van Gendarmerie Intelligence Army Corps Commandership all details of attack are given such as: from where the attack will be conducted, the time of the attack, and the coordinates of the bases that will be attacked. This report was sent to General staff Intelligence Presidency first, and then to Land Forces Commandership Intelligence Presidency, Gendarmerie Commandership Intelligence Presidency, 2nd Army Commandership Intelligence Presidency, and to Hakkari Mountain Commando Brigade that is bound to Daglica Battalion Commandership and all related Commanderships.

In this report numbered 3590-2292-07/İDAM (63939), and faxed at 18.36 with the title of “Information Instruction”, the attack on Daglica Brigade is described exactly as follows: “The T.O. (Guerrilla Organization) that is under responsibility of Zindan in Hakkari-Yuksekova Ikiyaka Region, is trying to get intelligence through their pawns, about 3rd Daglica Motorized Brigade Commandership (20-37), and are planning to conduct an attack on the Keri Tepe (19-35) Base region between the region named Geper (22-35) while the military units carry out their tasks …”

Two days after Van Gendarmerie Intelligence Army Corps Commandership sent this report on October 12, Gendarmerie General Commandership prepared “Internal Intelligence Report” and sent it to related units. In this report dated October 14, this was said: “the members of the guerrilla organization, that are active in the Hakkari-Yuksekova region, are planning to attack to our security forces that are on an operation”.

In addition to this information, there are warnings about the possibility of attacks in Siirt, Sirnak, Van regions and information about the security stations in these regions and the PKK members’ identities that will do the attack with details in both of those reports prepared.

Van Chief Office of Prosecution finished its Daglica investigation. The most eye-catching detail in the dossier is the name PKK gave to the attack: Wedding. The attack was conducted when the Daglica Commander was in a wedding.

Interesting details were revealed in the news, that Dogan New Agency primarily and other agencies sent to their subscribers. It came to surface that there are 12 more people being tried for sharing intelligence with PKK in this investigation that the court pending a trial released 8 soldiers. In the indictment prepared by Van Republican Prosecutor Cetin Akkaya, the codes were dissolved as well, which were used in telephone conversation between PKK members and their informers in the villages and districts. It was stated that number of soldiers, village-guards and watch positions were told in these codes.

The phone conversation between “Zindan” codenamed Huseyin, with a phone belonged to “Agit” codenamed Vahyettin Karay who directed the attack, and “Besir” codenamed village-guard O.E., also appeared in the indictment.
From the wiretapping it was revealed that O.E. told the number of the soldiers and village-guards in Daglica to the guerrillas, and that they encrypted the attack as “Wedding”, the place where the PKK members were as “Shop”, northern Iraq as “Istanbul”, and the senior leader of the organization as “Big brother”.

Village-guard O.E., who is standing on trial arrested in Van 4th heavy penal court, said, “Hello cousin there are 22 goziri (soldiers). Day and night, 10 (village-guards), 12 (ranking soldiers) are staying there. In the same number across, in boot way, there is a hill there, are staying there. Good evening. Regards.” in a text message that he sent to the guerrilla Huseyin.
In another phone conversation, it was revealed that he said, “I said there were 15 (soldiers). Others too (village-guards). All are 22, with new comers total is 44 (soldiers). Before 22 were going, now it is 44. Because some of our men went to it (soldiers). The place where we once ate together. Until now there two sides (soldiers) across, now there it is 44, so that you know”.
Among 8 arrested defendants that are being accused of helping the Daglica attack, there is a 70 years old woman named H.A. It was stated that from H.A.’s phone conversations it was understood that she sent new members to the mountain fraction of the organization, and that she was in touch with PKK member “Beritan” codenamed Cihan Asi who stays in Kanirash in the northern Iraq.

According to the documents Taraf has, General Staff, Lands Forces, Gendarmerie, 2nd Army and Intelligence Units in Hakkari knew all about the Daglica Attack and still on October 21, 2007 PKK conducted the Daglica Attack, killed 13 soldiers, and took the other 8 soldiers as POWs to their camps in northern Iraq.
14 days after this event, the soldiers were brought to Turkey but they were put in prison with “accusation of treason”. Brigade Commander Onur Direk blamed private Ramazan Yuce for helping the PKK members. In the first trial on February 2, 2008 the court pending released all 8 soldiers. Afterwards the sound recording of Dirik (about the attack) appeared on YouTube. Dirik, acknowledged his faults in the attack, and cursed (swore to) the commanders in General Staff and a first lieutenant that was killed (whose diary he was reading). After this he was appointed to Supply Commandership Division Logistics Chairmanship in Afyon.

I changed the word “terrorist” for “guerrilla”.
I said “Daglica Attack”, but it could also be translated as “Daglica Raid”

This blog shall reflect my personal views about Kurds and Human Rights in all four parts of Kurdistan!

That has been a long time since I wrote anything about the Kurds, rather I was satisfying myself with reading already existent Kurdish blogs, and News sites. But, I have come to the conclusion that every voice for the Kurdish Cause is important. Thus, I will shout as hard as I can, at the top of my lungs, for this cause from here. May this be another good blog to inform people, who are interested in Kurds, and care about Human Rights including the Kurds' rights, in a better way than the Fascist Turkish Media, and in general the ignorant and ignoring medias of the world!