There is a great article in Taraf about why it should be closed down. It is in Turkish unfortunately. But I agree with that article completely, and will probably say similar things to that article in this post, so dont worry if you dont know Turkish.
Here are some reasons why AKP should be closed down:
-First and foremost it should be closed down so that the leaders of that party can, or maybe, understand finally that their freedom can only be granted through other people's freedoms. That is to say, if you want some freedom to yourself (headscarf), you should want it for others as well (Kurds). Because without everybody's rights granted there is no way that your freedoms will be!
-So AKP has thought that if they collaborate with the army, they might be able to get done some of their objectives, the headscarf issue again, but now it is clear that the army is not willing to, nor will share any of its powers with anybody, but especially not with AKP who they deem as the representatives of radical islamist movement. On the contrary, the army is using all means, as was revealed in " the information support activity action plan", such as judges, universities, influential people, artists, writers, film-makers, media, all of the means that are possible to use to close down AKP. So this should be, hopefully, clear to AKP members now. Even though I have a lot of doubts, I do hope so.
-There is a saying in Turkish which means "to be Muslim to yourself" meaning that they want things only for themselves. If they ever uttered a word about DTP's closure, they would have been in a better position now. But they did not pronounce a word about it, and now they are complaining about it. Saying we are chosen by the will of our people, as if DTP was not chosen by the will of the people but rather some other countrymen.
-They should, now, know better that if they dont defend others rights when it is necessary, those others will not defend their rights either, when they need it.
-It should have been completely understood that until "the constitution" that was written by the fascist generals after the coup of 1980 is not changed completely, and a new one written, there is no way that Turkey could become a truly democratic country under the shadow of the generals all the time. Omnipotent generals, I shall say to be more precise. The first three articles of "that" constitution cannot be changed and cannot be even suggested to change, again, according to "that" constitution. What are those three articles? That Turkey is only and only TURKISH, that no language other than TURKISH could be spoken, written or listened, that everyone in Turkey is TURKISH and some other bullshit like these ones. Imagine this: Even the holy books of religions, which are supposedly God's words are being changed to cope with today's needs, but NOOOOO the holy book of the generals is holier than those religious books. That is what I understand when I hear, "these articles cannot be changed and cannot be even suggested to change". Oh and of course that Ataturk was/is/will always be the greatest GOD of all times!
-This is a fight. And in a fight one side always has to lose to the other side. If the swords are taken out of their sheaths, they shall be used. It seems like AKP has a big chance of winning, if they dont act like chickens, as they have done so so far.
-It is good that they are trying to close down AKP, because now they feel the sword in their asses, they either come to their senses and use the sword in their hands to take the one in their asses, or that sword in their asses shall make a big and unrepairable hole in their asses, that will always be seen.
These are some of the things that come to my mind when I think about it. I am sure there are some more things that we can find to say that, it is a good thing that AKP will, hopefully, be closed down. This might bring the promises of Recep Tayyip Erdogan to his useless mind, and that without keeping those promises he will never be an effective man, that will be respected by everyone even if he gets 99 % percent of the votes, and not only 47 %.
I am hopeful that it will be closed down, and that might affect the future of the prospective Chief of General Staff; who that will be and how it will change the dynamics of the country.
That is it for now, I shall elaborate more on this when the time comes.