So, here we go again! Apparently, Rasmussen, ex-prime minister of Denmark, promised to the Turks that he will shot down ROJ TV in exchange for the Turks to remove their objections to his candidacy to become the new secretary-general of NATO. And he now is the secretary-general of NATO. Meaning that the Turks believed him, or took his word seriously, and finally ended their blockade on his candidacy after making so much noise about it, and making all the EU presidents beg them to say yes to his candidacy! Berlusconi was late to the opening of the bridge that symbolized the unity of Europe, because he was trying to convince Erdogan to say yes. We all know how hard he could be. After all he is from Kasimpasha, right?
Anyway, at the end of the day with Obama, or Resho, and Abdullah Gul getting involved it was resolved somehow. But as I mentioned before, the Turks accepted only after receiving promises on the closure of ROJ TV, and some important posts in NATO be allocated to the Turks. I think they are smart! They made whole Europe beg them, go after them, kiss their ass basically. I wish Europe could have understood a little better what Turkey or Turks are by now. But wishful thinking is of no avail, as we Kurds know it too well.
OK, so lets talk about closure of the ROJ TV. Will it happen, or can it happen? Yes, it can happen, and now it is more likely, because according to the Turkish Media Obama or Resho (actually I will just call him Resho from now on: it is cute), himself has said that he will take the matters into his hands. We should be scared now! President of the United States of America, the most powerful country in the world, has promised something. Of course he will keep his promise. But you know what? I am doubtful about that, as I am equally doubtful about Obama promising such a thing.
By the way, I know Mizgîn at Rastî has commented about Resho's speech as "same shit. different day.", and though I mostly agree with this comment, I have to say that he was/is different from others. Now will that difference in his personality change anything in the world? That I don't know and I don't think so. But he did use the word "KURD" in the Turkish Parliament. That is something in my understanding. He talked about giving more rights to the Kurds and other minorities withing Turkey. That is something. It is not something BIG, but is nonetheless is important. He is president of the USA, so we cannot expect him to be groundbreaking when the matter is the Kurds or the PKK.
They cannot shut down ROJ, they think they can; it is because they don't know what ROJ means.
Shutting down ROJ means darkening the day, obscuring the sun. Do they really think they can do that? Hodri meydan canakam! If they close it, we will open another one. Let them show us and the world how fucked up they and their corrupt and meaningless "democracy" are. As that is the only thing it would entail.
While we talk about this, Imdat Yilmaz, manager of the ROJ has already defied the Danish authorities by saying that they cannot shut down the ROJ. On the other hand, prosecuting judge from Denmark Liselotte Nilas has already stated that it is within their jurisdiction to shut down ROJ or not, and that he has not felt any pressure from anyone to shut down the ROJ.
So lets wait together and see what happens!
A Calculated Planned Move by US State Dept to Betray the Kurds.
by Seth J. Frantzman
The more I read about the “US betrayed Kurds,” I don’t think it’s a betrayal;
I think it was calculated primarily at the State Depa...
5 years ago
So what happend? Did they shut it down?
No Anonymous, they did not shut it down and they can't. But ROJ changed the satellite that it was broadcasting from hotbird to eurobird-9.
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